About New Zealand
The Land
Many millions of years ago a thin
slither of land separated from a vast southern continent before the
evolution of mammals. Caught between two tectonic plates it was
crumpled up to establish a hugely varied landscape of soaring
mountains, majestic fjords and tempestuous volcanoes, some of which
remain active.
 The Birds
Without the presence of mammals the
birds took over and before long, geologically speaking, they filled the
ecological niches rightfully belonging to mammals. Some, such as the
giant Moas, were hunted to extinction but a few quirky ‘character’
birds, such as the Kea, live on and particularly enjoy nibbling at
visitor’s backpacks.
And then there is the largest parrot in the world… ‘not only has the
Kakapo forgotten how to fly, but it has also forgotten that it has
forgotten how to fly’, as Douglas Adams said.
The Settlers
After most explorers had retired, New
Zealand was discovered by humans. First to arrive were Polynesians, who
turned the local greenstone and native hardwood into intricate
handcrafts and ocean-going canoes. Then Europeans, who were attracted
by the whales and seals for their oil and later by the promise of a new
idyllic life in colonies such as Dunedin (New Edinburgh) and
Christchurch (a Church of England settlement).
The Eco-tourists
Later, the awe-inspiring whales,
indolent seals and cavorting dolphins met with ‘eco tourists’ intent on
capturing them on film and, in the case of dolphins, swimming with
them. And let us not forget the majestic Royal Albatrosses, the melodic
Parson bird, waddling penguins, bad-tempered sea-lions, dinosaur-era
lizards and 2000-year old trees.
 Why it is
called Downunder?
And the diverse terrain of New
Zealand soon brought the country to the world’s attention as its
adventure capital. It is said that if there is an adventure sport that
hasn’t been invented then the chances are someone somewhere in New
Zealand is working on it. After all the jet boat was invented in NZ and
then just to prove that Down Under is down under A.J. Hackett developed
bungee jumping. Then along came black-water rafting and zorbing.
The adrenaline sports
Apart from that don’t overlook white
water rafting and kayaking,
windsurfing, paragliding, hand-gliding, absailing, potholing,
ice-caving, glacier hiking, heli-skiing, snowboarding, scuba-diving,
lugging, fly-by-wire, and…well, you get the
And then there’s the language of New
Zealand, which was to be largely English, complemented by a resurgence
of Maori language and culture. Englishcourses have proven a major
drawcard for
people from around the world and today they and other forms of
are major revenue earners for New Zealand.
In a nutshell
Conveniently, all these attractions
are packed onto two and a bit islands with hugely varying landscapes
and microclimates and a small human population that likes to show off
when it comes to visitor hospitality.